NJDEP Preliminary Assessment – Child Care Center/Educational Facility
In order to receive a license from the Department of Children and Families (DCF) for a Child Care Center or Educational Facility, the applicant must conduct a Preliminary Assessment (PA) in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:26E. The Child Care Center Preliminary Assessments and Educational Facility Preliminary Assessments are completed in the same manner as a Preliminary Assessment for other sites under NJDEP purview. The Preliminary Assessment identifies all Areas of Concern (AOCs) that may be a concern for the Child Care Center or Educational Facility (CCC/EF). Once the Child Care Center Preliminary Assessment and any associated site investigation, remedial investigation and remedial action has been completed, ACER's NJDEP LSRP will issue a Response Action Outcome (RAO) to close out the project.
The PA will provide information about the past use of the site and site structures and provide specific information as to the actual operations and processes that occurred at the property. This includes former/current owners and operators, specific hazardous substances used or stored on-site (historically/currently), waste discharges, etc. Knowledge of former operations is particularly important if the site has been reconfigured or rezoned/renamed in tax documents. Since children are a sensitive population, it is critical to understand what buildings they will occupy and where the play area(s) will be located in reference to past operations at the site, to ensure that children are not exposed to contamination or any environmental hazards. Past operations may have impacted various media at the site including soil, ground water, drinking water, sediment, building interiors, etc. ACER can prepare a Preliminary Assessment Report for submission to the NJDEP as well as issue a Response Action Outcome RAO) as required for the licensing of the CCC/EF. ACER typically conducts the Preliminary Assessment field investigations in conjunction with the Indoor Environmental Health Assessment (IEHA) as required by the NJ Department of Health, providing our Clients with cost-effective and streamlined deliverables to keep your facilities licensing on-track. If any areas of concern (AOCs) are identified at the site, ACER can also conduct soil and groundwater sampling at your site to determine if any remediation will be necessary.