AT&T, Northeast & Mid-Atlantic Regions
ACER routinely performs environmental site assessments (ESAs) on proposed and existing telecommunication sites for AT&T. These ESAs are performed on a wide range of properties, including apartment buildings, industrial complexes, water tanks, tower farms, and...
Snell Electric, Vineland NJ
For the City of Vineland, ACER provided environmental consulting and remediation services at the former Snell Electric property. This Brownfields site had a number of areas of concern, including a 4,000-gallon gasoline UST, a 1,000-gallon fuel oil UST, nine (9) transformers...
Gallo GMC, Buena, NJ
ACER was retained as the Licensed Site Remediation Professional (LSRP) to conduct a Remedial Investigation of gasoline impacted soil and groundwater at the site resulting from leaking underground storage tanks (USTs). As part of this project ACER completed an Interim Remedial Measure (IRM) report for...
Bader Field, Atlantic City, NJ
Turn-key environmental services were provided to the City of Atlantic City for the removal of USTs and remediation of soil and groundwater, in preparation for demolition and construction of a minor league baseball stadium. A UST removal specification was prepared and gasoline USTs were removed from the former...
CRDA Licensed Site Remediation Professional Services
Since 2009, ACER has provided Licensed Site Remediation Professional Services (LSRP) for the Casino Reinvestment Development Authority (CRDA) under an “As-Needed” contract. The services include Preliminary Assessments, Site Investigations, Remedial Investigations, and Remedial Actions. ACER has worked on...
Morningstar Estates
ACER provided wetland delineation and State permit application services for a proposed development and subdivision with isolated wetlands. A New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) Land Use Regulation Program (LURP) Letter of Interpretation (LOI) Application...
PCC-DCP, Clifton, NJ
This facility manufactures cleaning solvents for the printing industry. In accordance with NJDEP regulations, a Discharge Prevention, Containment, & Countermeasure (DPCC) and Discharge Cleanup and Removal (DCR) Plan was prepared for this major facility. The initial scope of work consisted of...
AHERA Program, Archdiocese of Philadelphia
For the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, ACER has managed the AHERA program for eighty-nine (89) schools since 2003. As part of the AHERA program, ACER performs both 3 Year Re-inspections and 6-month periodic surveillance inspections...
Westfield Towers Mold Inspection
On behalf of the Camden County Housing Authority, ACER conducted a mold inspection of this 10-story apartment building. ACER inspected 26 units, as well as the community room, laundry room, and hallways for...
Camden Board of Education - Early Childhood Development Center
Specifications were prepared for the remediation of biologically contaminated soil resulting from a broken sewage pipe in the crawl space of the school. The remediation of the soil consisted of the removal and disposal of contaminated soil followed by...