Blackburn & Essex
ACER initiated a Section 106 review to the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission (PHMC) for a proposed collocation on a building at 260 North Wycombe Avenue in Lansdowne, Delaware County, Pennsylvania. During the Section 106 review process, the PHMC requested a Historic Resource Survey Form (HRSF) be completed to assess the building’s eligibility for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). Preparation of the HRSF by Acer included conducting a site reconnaissance to evaluate and document the integrity of the structure; generating a site plan and floor plans illustrating all resources and landscape features on the property; interviewing with the county historical society, public library personnel regarding reference collections, and local historic specialists; cross-referencing NRHP registration forms for nearby properties and districts of significance to determine historic context of the site and township from a historic perspective; and pursuing genealogical records and census data to include all historic persons associated with the property. As a result of the HRSF, the PHMC determined the property was eligible for listing in the NRHP under Criteria C for Architecture as a notable example of the Renaissance Revival architecture style with Art Deco influences. The PHMC also determined the proposed collocation would have no adverse effect on any historic properties.