Environmental Site Remediation
ACER's environmental remediation services include soil remediation, grounwater remediation, Following a remedial investigation, ACER can prepare feasibility studies and remedial design recommendations. ACER recognizes the need for cost-effective and common sense contaminated site remediation techniques. We offer custom designs, including excavation and disposal, bioremediation, chemical treatment and long term monitoring for commercial, industrial, and residential sites. These technologies allow remediation of contamination to occur without impact to the structure or the day-to-day operations of the occupant. Some remedial services provided by ACER are:
UST Removal, Abandonment, and Replacement
Contaminated Soil Excavation
Contaminated Soil Disposal
Natural Attenuation
Soil Blending
Deed Notices
Classification Exception Areas
Pump and Treat Systems
Product Recovery
Soil Vapor Extraction
Air Sparging
Chemical Oxidation
Multi Phase Extraction
LSRP Oversight
Bader Field, Atlantic City, NJ
Turn-key environmental services were provided to the City of Atlantic City for the removal of USTs and remediation of soil and groundwater, in preparation for demolition and construction of a minor league baseball stadium. A UST removal specification was prepared and gasoline USTs were removed from the former...

In New Jersey, ACER is certified by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection’s (NJDEP) Environmental Laboratory Certification Program (ELCP) for the analysis of analyze-immediately wastewater/non-potable water for specific conductance, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, pH, and temperature.