CRDA Licensed Site Remediation Professional Services
Since 2009, ACER has provided Licensed Site Remediation Professional Services (LSRP) for the Casino Reinvestment Development Authority (CRDA) under an “As-Needed” contract. The services include Preliminary Assessments, Site Investigations, Remedial Investigations, and Remedial Actions. ACER has worked on a wide variety of properties, including dry cleaners, coal gas plants, gas stations, former rail yards, schools, fire stations, hotels, and residential properties. To date, ACER has worked on approximately nine (9) LSRP projects for the CRDA since 2009. Prior to CRDA’s acquisition of a property, a Phase One ESA and/or Preliminary Assessment are completed. Typically, ACER then completes a geophysical survey to identify underground storage tanks (USTs), buried drums, and underground utilities. The geophysical survey is completed using a combination of metal detection, ground penetrating radar (GPR), and electromagnetic detection equipment, which is owned and operated by ACER. In order to further evaluate a property, a site investigation consisting of soil and groundwater sampling is typically completed to investigate potential environmental concerns identified during the Phase I ESA and/or Preliminary Assessment. Prior to their purchase of the property, ACER provides the CRDA with a report summarizing the environmental conditions at the property and a remediation estimate. Upon acquisition of the property, remedial activities are completed. During soil and groundwater remediation activities performed by CRDA’s contractor, ACER provides oversight and sampling services. All regulatory reporting required by the NJDEP is prepared by ACER, including Remedial Investigation Reports, Remedial Action Work Plans, UST Closure Reports, Remedial Action Reports, and Remedial Action Outcomes (RAO).